ibd intern 专题汇总

ibd intern 面试经验分享列表,共3

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Call in and answer
what is your view towards the current market?
CV questions like what did you do in this internship and the details.
No technical questions related to accounting


what is your view towards the current market?
CV questions like what did you do in this internship and the details.
No technical questions related to accounting

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一共两个小时 第一个小时一篇英文翻译一篇英文写作 以及阅读三篇新闻 选择一篇自己最喜欢的 前半小时面试官提问新闻相关问题 后半小时tech面


一共两个小时 第一个小时一篇英文翻译一篇英文写作 以及阅读三篇新闻 选择一篇自己最喜欢的 前半小时面试官提问新闻相关问题 后半小时tech面

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One week after I applied for the role, HR called to arrange an interview, it was a video interview
2 supervisors, 1 HR during the meeting
1. Your past experience
2. Challenging task in your past internship
3. Did you use Excel, Bloomberg, Wind in your previous experience
4. How do you analyze a company


1. Your past experience
2. Challenging task in your past internship
3. Did you use Excel, Bloomberg, Wind in your previous experience
4. How do you analyze a company
5. Can you work overtime

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